Saturday 23 April 2011

Welcome To The Tea Room!

Well, it's been quite awhile since the last time I kept a blog. Apart from the occasional Facebook note I'd craft whenever the mood would strike me (seldom),  I haven't maintained a regular web log since that brief window in the mid-aughts when Myspace was relevant. I'd considered for a little while starting one under the guise of a fictional character - It would have been a series of thoughtful reflections from a middle aged rapper named MC BitchesKomeRunnin'. They likely would have been tales of lurid debauchery and excess from the point of view of an entertainer going through an existential crisis. "...As I poured that bottle of Dom over her big ole titties, I couldn't help but axe myself, 'is this all there is?' "  That idea kinda ran out of steam before it ever lead to a post.

I'm sure you're all asking yourselves, "so, what's this blog gonna be about?" The answer is, I don't know. We'll see, I guess. Probably a lot of random nonsense, personal observations about stuff that doesn't matter much, and whimsy. Yes, I'm certain there'll be lots and lots of whimsy. I also can neither confirm nor deny this whole thing may wind up being just one big steaming pile of brilliant art. That's right, I said brilliant art. I may yet raise the bar that high. Doubtful, but it could happen. I mean, I studied art years ago and can safely say the instances of ordinary, creative folk accidentally crapping out masterpieces for no other reason than they were bored and needed to feed their narcissism is an astonishing figure. Okay, I really don't know that to be true. Could be. Whatever.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy what comes next....

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